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Adjunto 'PCF8591H.c'


   1 /*Habilitar el puerto I2C:
   2  * 
   3  * El puerto I2C debe habilitarse en Raspbian antes de poder ser utilizado
   4  * $ sudo raspi-config
   5  * ...
   6  * Ir a Interfacing Options
   7  * ...
   8  * Seleccionar I2C Enable/Dis...
   9  * ...
  10  * Habilitar I2C y salir del menu
  11  *
  12  *
  13  *Instalar las herramientas I2C, usadas para debuggear los dispositivos I2C por linea de comandos:
  14  *
  15  * $sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
  16  * $sudo apt-get update
  17  *
  18  *Detecando los dispositivos conectados al bus I2C (ID de los dispositivos):
  19  *
  20  * $i2cdetect -y 0
  21  * $i2cdetect -y 1
  22  *
  23  *Instalar wiringPi: 
  24  * 
  25  * $ cd
  26  * $ git clone git://
  27  *
  28  * $ cd ~/wirinPi
  29  * $ ./build
  30  *
  31  *
  32  *Compilar con wiringPi:
  33  * 
  34  * $gcc -o ejemplo ejemplo.c -lwiringPi
  35  *
  36  *Run:
  37  * 
  38  * sudo ./ejemplo
  39  *
  40  * */
  43 #include <wiringPi.h>
  44 #include <stdlib.h>
  45 #include <stdio.h>
  46 #include <pcf8591.h>
  48 #define Address 0x48
  49 #define BASE 64
  50 #define A0 BASE+0
  51 #define A1 BASE+1
  52 #define A2 BASE+2
  53 #define A3 BASE+3
  55 int main(void){
  56 	int val;
  57 	if (wiringPiSetup () == -1) exit (1);	
  58 	pcf8591Setup(BASE, Address);
  59 	while(1)
  60 	{
  61 		val = analogRead(A0);
  62 		printf("A0: %dmv\n",val*3300/255);
  63 		val = analogRead(A1);
  64 		printf("A1: %dmv\n",val*3300/255);
  65 		val = analogRead(A2);
  66 		printf("A2: %dmv\n\n",val*3300/255);
  67 		delay(1000);
  68 	}
  69 return 0;
  70 }

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  • [obtener | ver] (2019-09-02 11:56:18, 232.2 KB) [[attachment:PCF8591.pdf]]
  • [obtener | ver] (2019-09-02 11:56:18, 1.3 KB) [[attachment:PCF8591H.c]]
  • [obtener | ver] (2019-09-02 11:56:18, 17.7 KB) [[attachment:PCF8591I2C.pdf]]
  • [obtener | ver] (2019-09-02 11:56:18, 2.2 KB) [[attachment:PCF8591PG.c]]
  • [obtener | ver] (2019-09-02 11:56:18, 1.6 KB) [[attachment:PCF8591W.c]]
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