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Descargar 1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 #!encoding: utf-8
3 #author: Estefanía Pereyra
4 import random
5 import math
6 import pylab
8 def main(qStart, cGoalX, cGoalY, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY, kLimit):
9 RRTV = []
10 RRTE = []
11 RRTV.append(qStart)
12 RRTE.append(qStart)
13 k = 0
14 qNew = qStart
15 while (((qNew[0][0] < cGoalX[0] or qNew[1][0] < cGoalX[0] or qNew[2][0] < cGoalX[0] or qNew[3][0]< cGoalX[0])
16 or (qNew[0][0] > cGoalX[1] or qNew[1][0] > cGoalX[1] or qNew[2][0] > cGoalX[1] or qNew[3][0] > cGoalX[1])
17 or (qNew[0][1] < cGoalY[0] or qNew[1][1] < cGoalY[0] or qNew[2][1] < cGoalY[0] or qNew[3][1] < cGoalY[0])
18 or (qNew[0][1] > cGoalY[1] or qNew[1][1] > cGoalY[1] or qNew[2][1] > cGoalY[1] or qNew[3][1]> cGoalY[1]))
19 and k < kLimit):
21 if((qNew[0][0] > cGoalX[0] and qNew[0][0] < cGoalX[1]) and (qNew[0][1] > cGoalY[0] and qNew[0][1] < cGoalY[1])):
22 qRand = qRandom([[qNew[0][0]-1, qNew[0][0]+1],[qNew[0][1]-1, qNew[0][1]+1]], cObsX, cObsY)
24 elif((qNew[1][0] > cGoalX[0] and qNew[1][0] < cGoalX[1]) and (qNew[1][1] > cGoalY[0] and qNew[1][1] < cGoalY[1])):
25 qRand = qRandom([[qNew[1][0]-1, qNew[1][0]+1],[qNew[1][1]-1, qNew[1][1]+1]], cObsX, cObsY)
27 elif((qNew[2][0] > cGoalX[0] and qNew[2][0] < cGoalX[1]) and (qNew[2][1] > cGoalY[0] and qNew[2][1] < cGoalY[1])):
28 qRand = qRandom([[qNew[2][0]-1, qNew[2][0]+1],[qNew[2][1]-1, qNew[2][1]+1]], cObsX, cObsY)
30 elif((qNew[3][0] > cGoalX[0] and qNew[3][0] < cGoalX[1]) and (qNew[3][1] > cGoalY[0] and qNew[3][1] < cGoalY[1])):
31 qRand = qRandom([[qNew[3][0]-1, qNew[3][0]+1],[qNew[3][1]-1, qNew[3][1]+1]], cObsX, cObsY)
32 else:
33 qRand = qRandom(cLimits, cObsX, cObsY)
35 extendRRT(RRTV, RRTE, qRand, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY)
36 qNew = RRTV[-1]
37 qPrev = RRTE[-1]
38 k += 1
40 if k < kLimit:
41 path = findPath(RRTV,RRTE)
42 print 'k:', k
43 plot(path, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY, cGoalX, cGoalY)
44 return path
45 # return True
46 else:
47 return False
49 def plot(path, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY, cGoalX, cGoalY):
51 pylab.xlim([cLimits[0][0], cLimits[0][1]])
52 pylab.ylim([cLimits[1][0], cLimits[1][1]])
54 xg = [[cGoalX[0], cGoalX[1]], [cGoalX[1], cGoalX[1]],
55 [cGoalX[1], cGoalX[0]], [cGoalX[0], cGoalX[0]]]
56 yg = [[cGoalY[0], cGoalY[0]], [cGoalY[0], cGoalY[1]],
57 [cGoalY[1], cGoalY[1]], [cGoalY[1], cGoalY[0]]]
58 pylab.plot(xg, yg,'g')
60 xo1 = [[cObsX[0][0], cObsX[0][1]], [cObsX[0][1], cObsX[0][1]],
61 [cObsX[0][1], cObsX[0][0]], [cObsX[0][0], cObsX[0][0]]]
62 yo1 = [[cObsY[0][0], cObsY[0][0]], [cObsY[0][0], cObsY[0][1]],
63 [cObsY[0][1], cObsY[0][1]], [cObsY[0][1], cObsY[0][0]]]
64 xo2 = [[cObsX[1][0], cObsX[1][1]], [cObsX[1][1], cObsX[1][1]],
65 [cObsX[1][1], cObsX[1][0]], [cObsX[1][0], cObsX[1][0]]]
66 yo2 = [[cObsY[1][0], cObsY[1][0]], [cObsY[1][0], cObsY[1][1]],
67 [cObsY[1][1], cObsY[1][1]], [cObsY[1][1], cObsY[1][0]]]
69 pylab.plot(xo1, yo1,'r')
70 pylab.plot(xo2, yo2,'r')
72 for i in xrange(len(path)):
73 x1 = [path[i][0][0]]
74 x2 = [path[i][1][0]]
75 x3 = [path[i][2][0]]
76 x4 = [path[i][3][0]]
77 y1 = [path[i][0][1]]
78 y2 = [path[i][1][1]]
79 y3 = [path[i][2][1]]
80 y4 = [path[i][3][1]]
81 pylab.plot(x1,y1, 'bo')
82 pylab.plot(x2,y2, 'ro')
83 pylab.plot(x3,y3, 'go')
84 pylab.plot(x4,y4, 'yo')
86 if i != 0:
87 xp1 = [path[i-1][0][0], path[i][0][0]]
88 xp2 = [path[i-1][1][0], path[i][1][0]]
89 xp3 = [path[i-1][2][0], path[i][2][0]]
90 xp4 = [path[i-1][3][0], path[i][3][0]]
91 yp1 = [path[i-1][0][1], path[i][0][1]]
92 yp2 = [path[i-1][1][1], path[i][1][1]]
93 yp3 = [path[i-1][2][1], path[i][2][1]]
94 yp4 = [path[i-1][3][1], path[i][3][1]]
95 pylab.plot(xp1,yp1,'b')
96 pylab.plot(xp2,yp2,'r')
97 pylab.plot(xp3,yp3,'g')
98 pylab.plot(xp4,yp4,'y')
102 def findPath(RRTV, RRTE):
103 path = []
104 new = RRTV[-1]
105 prev = RRTE[-1]
106 path.append([[new[0][0],new[0][1],0.5],
107 [new[1][0],new[1][1],0.5],
108 [new[2][0],new[2][1],0.5],
109 [new[3][0],new[3][1],0.5]])
111 while (new != RRTV[0]):
112 for i in range(len(RRTV)):
113 if(RRTV[i] == prev):
114 new = prev
115 prev = RRTE[i]
116 path.append([[new[0][0],new[0][1],0.5],
117 [new[1][0],new[1][1],0.5],
118 [new[2][0],new[2][1],0.5],
119 [new[3][0],new[3][1],0.5]])
120 path.reverse()
121 return path
124 def qRandom (cLimits, cObsX, cObsY):
125 qRand = [[random.uniform(cLimits[0][0], cLimits[0][1]), random.uniform(cLimits[1][0],cLimits[1][1])],
126 [random.uniform(cLimits[0][0], cLimits[0][1]), random.uniform(cLimits[1][0],cLimits[1][1])],
127 [random.uniform(cLimits[0][0], cLimits[0][1]), random.uniform(cLimits[1][0],cLimits[1][1])],
128 [random.uniform(cLimits[0][0], cLimits[0][1]), random.uniform(cLimits[1][0],cLimits[1][1])]]
130 for i in range(len(qRand)):
131 if (((qRand[i][0] >= cObsX[0][0] and qRand[i][0] <= cObsX[0][1])
132 and (qRand[i][1] >= cObsY[0][0] and qRand[i][1] <= cObsY[0][1]))
133 or ((qRand[i][0] >= cObsX[1][0] and qRand[i][0] <= cObsX[1][1])
134 and (qRand[i][1] >= cObsY[1][0] and qRand[i][1] <= cObsY[1][1]))):
135 qRand = qRandom(cLimits, cObsX, cObsY)
137 return qRand
139 def extendRRT (RRTV, RRTE, qRand, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY):
140 qNear, ind = nearestNeighbor(RRTV, qRand)
141 qNew = newConfiguration(qNear, ind, qRand, RRTE)
142 if (qNew !=0 and notCollisions(qNear, qNew, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY)):
143 RRTV.append(qNew)
144 RRTE.append(qNear)
145 return
147 def nearestNeighbor(RRTV, qRand):
148 for i in range(len(RRTV)):
149 if i == 0:
150 dist = math.sqrt((RRTV[i][0][1]-qRand[0][1])**2 +
151 (RRTV[i][0][0]-qRand[0][0])**2 +
152 (RRTV[i][1][1]-qRand[1][1])**2 +
153 (RRTV[i][1][0]-qRand[1][0])**2 +
154 (RRTV[i][2][1]-qRand[2][1])**2 +
155 (RRTV[i][2][0]-qRand[2][0])**2 +
156 (RRTV[i][3][1]-qRand[3][1])**2 +
157 (RRTV[i][3][0]-qRand[3][0])**2)
159 qNear = RRTV[i]
160 ind = i
161 else:
162 distAux = math.sqrt((RRTV[i][0][1]-qRand[0][1])**2 +
163 (RRTV[i][0][0]-qRand[0][0])**2 +
164 (RRTV[i][1][1]-qRand[1][1])**2 +
165 (RRTV[i][1][0]-qRand[1][0])**2 +
166 (RRTV[i][2][1]-qRand[2][1])**2 +
167 (RRTV[i][2][0]-qRand[2][0])**2 +
168 (RRTV[i][3][1]-qRand[3][1])**2 +
169 (RRTV[i][3][0]-qRand[3][0])**2)
171 if distAux < dist:
172 dist = distAux
173 qNear = RRTV[i]
174 ind = i
175 return qNear, ind
177 def newConfiguration(qNear, ind, qRand, RRTE):
178 qNear1 = qNear
179 qNear0 = RRTE[ind]
180 theta1 = math.atan2(qNear1[0][1]-qNear0[0][1], qNear1[0][0]-qNear0[0][0])
181 theta2 = math.atan2(qNear1[1][1]-qNear0[1][1], qNear1[1][0]-qNear0[1][0])
182 theta3 = math.atan2(qNear1[2][1]-qNear0[2][1], qNear1[2][0]-qNear0[2][0])
183 theta4 = math.atan2(qNear1[3][1]-qNear0[3][1], qNear1[3][0]-qNear0[3][0])
184 step = 0.1
185 qNewaux1 = []
186 qNewaux2 = []
187 qNewaux3 = []
188 qNewaux4 = []
189 delta = math.radians(-90)
190 for i in range(3):
191 qNewaux1.append([qNear[0][0] + step*math.cos(theta1+delta), qNear[0][1] + step*math.sin(theta1+delta)])
192 qNewaux2.append([qNear[1][0] + step*math.cos(theta2+delta), qNear[1][1] + step*math.sin(theta2+delta)])
193 qNewaux3.append([qNear[2][0] + step*math.cos(theta3+delta), qNear[2][1] + step*math.sin(theta3+delta)])
194 qNewaux4.append([qNear[3][0] + step*math.cos(theta4+delta), qNear[3][1] + step*math.sin(theta4+delta)])
195 delta += math.radians(90)
197 nodos = []
198 for i in range(len(qNewaux1)):
199 for j in range(len(qNewaux2)):
200 for k in range(len(qNewaux3)):
201 for l in range(len(qNewaux4)):
202 nodos.append([qNewaux1[i],qNewaux2[j],qNewaux3[k],qNewaux4[l]])
203 nodosUtiles = formacion(nodos)
204 if nodosUtiles != 0:
205 qNew, ind = nearestNeighbor(nodosUtiles, qRand)
206 return qNew
207 else:
208 return 0
210 def formacion(nodos):
211 nodosvalidos = []
212 n = 0
213 for i in range(len(nodos)):
214 norm = []
215 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][0][0] - nodos[i][1][0], nodos[i][0][1] - nodos[i][1][1]))
216 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][1][0] - nodos[i][2][0], nodos[i][1][1] - nodos[i][2][1]))
217 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][2][0] - nodos[i][3][0], nodos[i][2][1] - nodos[i][3][1]))
218 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][3][0] - nodos[i][0][0], nodos[i][3][1] - nodos[i][0][1]))
219 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][0][0] - nodos[i][2][0], nodos[i][0][1] - nodos[i][2][1]))
220 norm.append(math.hypot(nodos[i][3][0] - nodos[i][1][0], nodos[i][3][1] - nodos[i][1][1]))
221 if ((norm[0] < 1 and norm[0] > 0.49) and
222 (norm[1] < 1 and norm[1] > 0.49) and
223 (norm[2] < 1 and norm[2] > 0.49) and
224 (norm[3] < 1 and norm[3] > 0.49) and
225 (norm[4] < 1 and norm[4] > 0.49) and
226 (norm[5] < 1 and norm[5] > 0.49)):
227 nodosvalidos.append(nodos[i])
228 n+=1
229 if n == 0:
230 return 0
231 else:
232 return nodosvalidos
234 def notCollisions(qNear, qNew, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY):
235 qAux = []
236 dx = []
237 dy = []
238 k = 0.25
239 for i in range(len(qNear)):
240 dx.append((qNew[i][0]-qNear[i][0])/10)
241 dy.append((qNew[i][1]-qNear[i][1])/10)
242 for j in range(10):
243 qAux.append([[qNear[0][0] + dx[0]*j, qNear[0][1] + dy[0]*j],
244 [qNear[1][0] + dx[1]*j, qNear[1][1] + dy[1]*j],
245 [qNear[2][0] + dx[2]*j, qNear[2][1] + dy[2]*j],
246 [qNear[3][0] + dx[3]*j, qNear[3][1] + dy[3]*j]])
247 qAux.append(qNew)
248 for i in range(len(qAux)):
249 for j in range(4):
250 if (((qAux[i][j][0] >= (cObsX[0][0]-k) and qAux[i][j][0] <= (cObsX[0][1]+k))
251 and (qAux[i][j][1] >= (cObsY[0][0]-k) and qAux[i][j][1] <= (cObsY[0][1]+k)))
252 or ((qAux[i][j][0] >= (cObsX[1][0]-k) and qAux[i][j][0] <= (cObsX[1][1]+k))
253 and (qAux[i][j][1] >= (cObsY[1][0]-k) and qAux[i][j][1] <= (cObsY[1][1]+k)))):
254 return False
255 return True
258 #--Inicialización--
259 qStart = [[-2.25,-2.25],
260 [-2.25,-1.75],
261 [-1.75,-1.75],
262 [-1.75,-2.25]]
264 cLimits = [[-2.5,2.5],
265 [-2.5,2.5]]
268 cObsX = [[-2.5,-1.75],
269 [0,2.5]]
270 cObsY = [[-0.5,0.5],
271 [-0.5,0.5]]
273 cGoalX = [1.5,2.5]
274 cGoalY = [1,2]
276 klimit = 4000
278 if(not main(qStart, cGoalX, cGoalY, cLimits, cObsX, cObsY, klimit)):
279 print 'Path not found'
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