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Versión 1 con fecha 2017-10-05 13:11:15

location: JavierAndresRedolfi / sartb / Install

Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification

Code used in paper:

Javier Redolfi, Jorge Sánchez, and Ana Georgina Flesia
"Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification"
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 99, Septiembre 2017. (link)

== Features ==

The library consist basically of the following python modules:


Installation on Debian/Ubuntu

(use sudo for Ubuntu)

> \# apt-get install python2.7 python-matplotlib python-numpy python-skimage python-sklearn python-scipy

> \# pip install pystruct

Optionally, you might also need virtualenv:

> \# apt-get install python-virtualenv

Installing the module

Example: Comparison with paper "Pol-SAR Classification Based on Generalized Polar Decomposition of Mueller Matrix"

None: JavierAndresRedolfi/sartb/Install (última edición 2017-10-05 13:11:15 efectuada por Jaarac)