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Versión 5 con fecha 2017-10-05 14:31:46

location: JavierAndresRedolfi / sartb / Install

Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification

Code used in paper:

Javier Redolfi, Jorge Sánchez, and Ana Georgina Flesia
"Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification"
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 99, Septiembre 2017. (link)




The library consist basically of the following python modules:


Installation on Debian/Ubuntu

(use sudo for Ubuntu)

# apt-get install python2.7 python-matplotlib python-numpy python-skimage python-sklearn python-scipy

# pip install pystruct

Installing the module

Example: Comparison with paper "Pol-SAR Classification Based on Generalized Polar Decomposition of Mueller Matrix"

$python src/bin/ --dataset=path_to_dataset