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Versión 8 con fecha 2017-07-12 19:54:32

location: JavierAndresRedolfi / sartb

Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification


In this letter we study the application of the Fisher Vector (FV) to the problem of pixel-wise supervised classification of PolSAR images. This is a challenging problem since information in those images is encoded as complex-valued covariance matrices. We observe that the real part of these matrices preserve the positive semidefiniteness property of their complex counterpart. Based on this observation, we derive a FV from a mixture of real Wishart pdfs and integrate it with a Potts-like energy model in order to capture spatial dependencies between neighboring regions. Experimental results on two challenging datasets show the effectiveness of the approach.


Javier Redolfi, Jorge Sánchez, and Ana Georgina Flesia
"Fisher Vectors for PolSAR Image Classification"
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (Accepted with Major Changes)



Classification Examples

None: JavierAndresRedolfi/sartb (última edición 2017-07-12 19:54:32 efectuada por Jaarac)