#acl BecariosGrupo:delete,read,write,admin All:read {{{#!bibtex @inproceedings{araguas2011ast, author = {Gastón Aragúas and Gonzalo Perez Paina and Guillermo Steiner and Luis Canali}, title = {Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera-Robot System under Non-Holonomic Constraints}, year = {2011}, organization = {Argentine Symposium on Technology, JAIIO}, } @inproceedings{ author = {G. Perez Paina and D. Gaydou and J. Redolfi and C. Paz and L. Canali}, title = {Experimental comparison of Kalman and complementary filter for attitude estimation}, year = {2011}, organization = {Argentine Symposium on Technology, JAIIO}, } @inproceedings{ author = {David Gaydou and Javier Redolfi and Agustín Henze}, title = {Filtro complementario para estimación de actitud aplicado al controlador embebido de un cuatrirrotor}, year = {2011}, organization = {Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos, CASE}, } @inproceedings{ author = {Gonzalo F. Perez Paina and David A. Gaydou and Néstor L. Palomeque and Lucas A. Martini}, title = {Librerías embebidas para microcontroladores LPC2000 de aplicación en robótica}, year = {2011}, organization = {Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos, CASE}, } @inproceedings{ author = {}, title = {}, year = {}, organization = {}, } @inproceedings{ author = {}, title = {}, year = {}, organization = {}, } }}}