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Adjunto 'password_a.c'


   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <curses.h>
   3 #define MAX_LENGHT      8
   4 #define ENTER           10  // Bug? I tried #define ENTER KEY_ENTER but it didn't work...
   6 int ch;
   7 char password[MAX_LENGHT];
   8 char *mypass="password";
   9 int pos=0;
  11 int main()
  12 {
  13    initscr();
  14    noecho();                    /* turn off echoing*/
  15    printw("Please enter the password:\n");
  16    while(true)
  17      {
  18        ch=getch();
  20        if(ch == ENTER) break;   /* User has pressed ENTER*/
  22        else                     /* A..Z a...z  */
  23          {
  24            printw("%c", '*');
  25            password[pos++] = ch;
  26            password[pos] = '\0';
  27          }
  28      }
  30    printw("%c", '\n');
  31    for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
  32      printw("%c", password[i]);
  34    echo();                      /* you can turn on echoing now*/
  35    getch();
  36    endwin();
  37    return 0;
  38 }

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